
Bouton´s work basically breaks down into four periods. His early works stating from childhood up through his San Francisco years. Then a one year transition in New York City. Then five years in Cincinnati. After that another transition of two years in London and Aarhus Denmark. Then his first Munich Period from 1981 until 1998 and then after the purchase and opening  of his gallery, the second period from 1999 to the present.

Unfortunately, with the exception of the drawings “ Ethrium “ and the Heads, all other drawings and all oil paintings have been lost from the first period which lasted up to 1974. After moving to Cincinnati in 1975, where he did his Masters Diploma and the three years on his Doctorate, he began painting very actively both figuratively and abstract as well as studying under the award winning painter William Malczan. With the aid of several scholarships and a travelling fellowship, he went to study at the University of London in 1979. The next year he moved to Denmark. With the exception of the commissioned poster for the Arhus Symphony Orchestra of eleven composer portraits in 1981 (see article) all works from that time have been lost with the exception of the two portraits of Horowitz and Rubenstein. Upon moving to Munich in1981 he immediately bagann painting. He had at that time different coloured shoes. Because he had so little money, he did a series of paintings on wrapping paper using his ink from composition and shoe polish! When he finally was able to buy paints, he painted the “ Procession of the Spirit Baloons “, which took him mnine months and was the birth of his lifting technique ( see artcle ) and the beginning of the First Munich Period. The start of the Second Munich Period was after his purchase of the Gallery Bouton in 1999 when he began branching out into new directions and styles taking inspiration from his contact with his guest artists and other galleries. The search continues to this day.

  • © Copyright 2015 William Bouton